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Frequently asked questions and answers

What is the price in SEK/L including VAT

  • E85 Standard 13,35
  • E85 Extra 13,85
  • E85 Premium 14,35

What is the ethanol in E85? 
Renewable ethanol from Swedish farmers with Sweden's highest climate performance.

What is the difference between the different fuels? 
The different E85 grades contribute to different climate reductions, you can choose HOW climate smart you want to be. You can choose between 60%, 70% or 80% carbon dioxide reduction. 80% carbon dioxide reduction is probably the world's most climate-efficient E85. If you want to be really nice to our planet, press the PREMIUM button.

For more information, read the sign at the filling station.

What is in E85?
Ethanol E85 is a climate-friendly motor fuel for four-stroke engines of the Flexible Fuel Vehicles (FFV) type, it contains a mixture of 70-86% ethanol and 14-30% gasoline. 
Agro Cleanpower E85 is our E85 fuel. Refueling E85 instead of gasoline in your flexifuel car is by far the easiest way to influence your own climate footprint.

Is your ethanol worse for my car than gasoline?
No, E85 is made to be refueled in Flexible Fuel Vehicles (FFV) and don't forget that it is certainly better for our environment.

Can we fill up with ED95 instead of E85? Can we fill up at the other pumping station?
No ACP 95 (ED95) can be refueled in ED95 adapted trucks and buses while E85 is refueled in Flexible Fuel Vehicles (FFV).


In case of technical problems with the filling station - Call +46105561477 Mattias E Johansson

For questions about ethanol, the climate or other issues, email – Jan-Erik X Andersson jan-erik.x.andersson@lantmannen.com or Tannia Marinado tannia.marinado@lantmannen.com


We at Agroetanol care about the air in our hometown and the climate on our planet. Therefore, we would like to offer Sweden's most sustainable and climate-friendly E85 at a really good price! The ethanol in the fuel is produced in our factory next to the filling station, from grain from nearby farms and from residual products from the food industry. Clearly better than filling up with imported fossil gasoline, we think. Or, as we like to say, common sense! 

Always cheaper than petrol!

Why complicate things? To make it easier for you as a consumer, we have linked our pricing to the price of gasoline. With our standard product, you therefore always drive 100 öre per liter cheaper than if you drove on gasoline. This means that we probably have Sweden's lowest prices for E85 at our filling station.

Choose how climate-friendly you want to be and pay accordingly!

Now you can also choose HOW climate smart you want to be! You can choose between 60%, 70% or 80% carbon dioxide reduction*. 80% carbon dioxide reduction is probably the world's most climate-efficient E85! If you want to be really nice to our planet, press the PREMIUM button!

* In our biorefinery, we have different production lines with different raw materials and different types of processes resulting in different production costs and climate performance.

Agro Cleanpower E85

Agro Cleanpower E85 is our E85 fuel. There are over 200,000 registered cars in Sweden that can run on E85, known as ‘flex-fuel’ or ‘multi-fuel’ cars. Filling up with E85 instead of petrol in such cars is the easiest way to influence carbon footprint! Our E85 reduces CO2 emissions by up to 70% compared to conventional petrol (standard E85 reduces CO2 emissions by an average of 58%). When E85 was first launched, it was for the sake of the environment only. But over time, a number of policy instruments that caused this fuel to become so popular were scrapped. The result has simply been that fewer and fewer people use E85, meaning that ultimately carbon dioxide emissions have been much higher than they actually need to be!